2  Setting up a development environment

I have to start with one of the hardest chapters of the book, which is how to set up a development environment for Python.

If you are already using Python, you are likely already familiar with setting up per-project development environments using tools like pyenv. I would still suggest you read this chapter and see if you agree with how I approach this issue. You may want to adapt your current workflow to it, or keep on doing what you’ve been doing up until now, it is up to. If you’re completely new to Python, then you definitely need to read this chapter, but also, I need to remind you that this is not a book about Python per se. So I won’t be teaching you any Python (I wouldn’t really be competent to do so either) and you might want to complement reading this book with another that focuses on actually teaching you Python. Remember, this book is about building reproducible analytical pipelines!

2.1 Why is installing Python such a hard problem?

If you google “how to install Python” you will find a surprising amount of articles explaining how to do it. I say “surprising amount” because one might expect to install Python like any other piece of software. If you’re already familiar with R, you could think that installing Python would be done the same way: download the installer for your operating system, and then install it. And, actually, you can do just that for Python as well. So why are there 100s of articles online explaining how to install Python, and why aren’t all of these articles simply telling you to download the installer to install Python? Why did I write this chapter on installing Python?

Well, there are several thing that we need to deal with if we want to install and use Python the “right way”. First of all, Python is pre-installed on Linux distributions and older versions of macOS. So if you’re using one of these operating systems, you could use the built-in Python interpreter, but this is not recommended. The reason being that these bundled versions are generally older, and that you don’t control their upgrade process, as these get updated alongside the operating system. On Windows and newer versions of macOS, Python is, as far as I know, never bundled, so you’d need to install it anyways.

Another reason why you should install a Python version and manage it yourself, is that newer Python versions can introduce breaking changes, making code written for an earlier version of Python not run on a newer version of Python. This is not a Python-specific issue: it happens with any programming language. So this means that ideally you would want to bundle a Python version with your project’s code.

The same holds true for individual packages: newer versions of packages might not even work with older releases of Python, so to avoid any issues, an analysis would get bundled with a Python release and Python packages. This bundle is what I call a development environment, and in order to build such development environments, specific tools have to be used. And there’s a lot of these tools in the Python ecosystem… so much so that when you’re first starting, you might get lost. So here are the two tools that I use for this, and that I think work quite well together: micromamba and pipenv.

The workflow is as follows:

  • Install micromamba, a lightweight package manager.
  • Using micromamba, create an environment that contains a Python interpreter and the pipenv package.
  • Using this environment, install the required packages using pipenv.
  • pipenv will automatically generate two very useful files, Pipfile and Pipfile.lock.

In the following sections I detail this process.

2.2 Creating a project-specific development environment

What we want is to have project-specific development environments that should include a specific Python version, specific versions of Python packages and all the code to actually run the project. If you do this, you have already achieved a great deal to make your analysis reproducible. Some would even argue that it is enough!

I’m going to assume that you don’t have any Python version available on your computer and need to get one. Let’s suppose that Python version 3.12.1 is the latest released version, and let’s also suppose that you would like to use that version to start working on a project. To first get the right Python interpreter ready, you should install micromamba. Please refer to the micromamba documentation here1 but on Linux, macOS and Git Bash on Windows (there’s also instructions for Powershell, if you don’t have Git Bash installed on Windows), it should be as easy as running this in your terminal:

"${SHELL}" <(curl -L micro.mamba.pm/install.sh)

for Poweshell use instead Invoke-Expression ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://micro.mamba.pm/install.ps1).Content) instead.

We can now use micromamba to create an environment that will contain a Python interpreter for our project and pipenv. Type the following command to create this environment:

micromamba create -n housing python=3.12.1 pipenv

This will create an environment named “pipenv_env” that includes pipenv and the version 3.12.1 of Python. If you’re just starting a project, you can safely choose the very latest released version (check the releases pages on Python’s website).

We can now use pipenv to install the packages for our project. But why don’t we just use the more common pip instead of pipenv, or even micromamba which can also install any other Python package that we require for our projects? Why introduce yet another tool? In my opinion, pipenv has one absolutely crucial feature for reproducibility: pipenv enables deterministic builds, which means that when using pipenv, we will always get exactly the same packages installed.

“But isn’t that exctaly what using requirements.txt file does?” you wonder. You are not entirely wrong. After all, if you make the effort to specify the packages you need, and their versions, wouldn’t running pip install -r requirements.txt also install exactly the same packages? (If you don’t know what a requirements.txt file is, you can think of it as a simple text file that lists the required packages and their versions for an analysis).

Well, not quite. Imagine for example that you need a package called hello and you put it into your requirements.txt like so:


Suppose that hello depends on another package called ciao. If you run pip install -r requirements.txt today, you’ll get hello at version 1.0.1 and ciao, say, at version 0.3.2. But if you run pip install -r requirements.txt in 6 months, you would still get hello at version 1.0.1 but you might get a newer version of ciao. This is because ciao itself is not specified in the requirements.txt, unless you made sure to add it (and then also add its dependencies, and their dependencies…). This mismatch in the versions of ciao can cause issues. pipenv takes care of this for you by generating a so-called lock file automatically, and adds further security checks by comparing sha256 hashes from the lock file to the ones from the downloaded packages, making sure that you are actually installing what you believe you are.

What about using micromamba? micromamba could indeed be used to install the project’s dependencies, but would require another tool called conda-lock to generate lock files, and in my experience, using conda-lock doesn’t always work. I have had 0 issues with pipenv on the other hand.

In any case, the point is that you should use a tool that specifies dependencies very strictly and precisely. Use whatever you’re comfortable with if you already are familiar with one such tool. If not, and you want to follow along, use pipenv but take some time to check out other options. I personally use Nix, which is not specific to Python, but I decided not to discuss Nix in this book, because to properly discuss it, it would require a book on its own.

Now that pipenv is installed, let’s start using it to install the packages we need for our project. Because the Python interpreter was installed using micromamba, we either need to activate the environment to get access to it, or we should use micromamba run to run the Python intpreter from this environment. First, create a folder called housing, which will contain our analysis scripts. Then, from that folder, run the following command:

micromamba run -n housing pipenv install polars==1.1.0 plotnine beautifulsoup4 pandas plotnine lxml pyarrow requests xlsx2csv

As you can see, I chose to install specific versions of polars. This is because I want you to follow along with the same versions as in the book. You could remove the ==x.y.z string from the command above to install the latest versions of polars available if you prefer, but then there would be no guarantee that you would find the same results as I do in the remainder of the book. You could also specify versions for the other packages if you wish. A little sidnote: some of these packages we are not really going to be using, but they’re needed either as dependencies for polars or because we need one single function from them. The packages in question are pandas, lxml and pyarrow.

You should now see two new files in the housing folder, Pipfile and Pipfile.lock. Start by opening Pipfile, it should look like this:

url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

polars = "==1.1.0"
plotnine = "*"
beautifulsoup4 = "*"
pandas = "*"
skimpy = "*"


python_version = "3.12"

I think that this file is pretty self-evident: the packages being used for this project are listed alongside their versions. The Python version is also listed. Sometimes, depending on how you set up the project, it could happen that the Python version listed is not the one you want for your project. In this case, I highly recommend you change the version to the right one. Also, you’ll notice that here the Python version is “3.12”, but we specified version “3.12.1” with micromamba when we created the environment. I would recommend that you add the missing “.1” for maximum reproducibility. If you edited the Pipfile then you need to run pipenv lock to regenerate the Pipfile.lock file as well:

micromamba run -n housing pipenv lock

this will make sure to also set the required/correct Python version in there.

If you open the Pipfile.lock in a text editor, you will see that it is a json file and that also lists the dependecies of your project, but also the dependencies’ dependencies. You will also notice several fields called hashes. These are there for security reasons: whenever someone, (or you in the future) will regenerate this environment, the packages will get downloaded and their hashes will get compared to the ones listed in the Pipfile.lock. If they don’t match, then something very wrong is happening and packages won’t get installed. These two files are very important, because they will make sure that it will be possible to regenerate the same environment on another machine.

To check whether everything installed correctly, drop into the development shell using:

micromamba run -r housing pipenv shell

and check that the right version of Python is being used:

python --version

This should print Python 3.12.1 in the terminal. Start the Python interpreter and let’s check polars’s version:


Then check that the correct versions of the packages were installed:

import polars as pl

You should see 1.1.0 as the listed version. Quit the shell, and then quit the environment with exit.

2.3 One last thing

Before continuing, it would be nice if we would automatically drop into the environment each time we are in the right folder; so for example, each time we navigate to the housing folder for our project on housing, the housing environment starts. We can achieve this by using a tool called direnv.

I won’t go into details to install direnv, simply consult the documentation.

The next step is to start a shell in your environment by running micromamba run -n housing pipenv shell. This will start a shell inside the housing environment by executing pipenv shell. Take note of the command that appears, in my case it’s this: . /home/b-rodrigues/.local/share/virtualenvs/py_housing-MvX0wC5I/bin/activate (pay attention to the . character at the very beginning of this command!).

In the root folder of the housing project, create an empty text file and name it .envrc. Inside of that file, paste the line from before into the empty .envrc file. Finally, run direnv allow in a terminal in that folder, and each time you will navigate to this folder using a terminal, that development environment will be used. Many development interfaces can work together with direnv, refer to their documentation to learn how to configure your IDE to make use of direnv.

2.4 A high-level description of how to set up a project

Ok, so to summarise, we installed micromamba which will make it easy to install any version of Python that we require, and we also installed pipenv, which we use to install packages. The advantage of using pipenv is that we get deterministic builds, and pipenv works well with micromamba to build project-specific environments.

The way I would suggest you use these tools now, is that for each project, you install the latest available version of Python and then install packages by specyifing their versions, like so:

micromamba create -n project_name python=X.YY.Z pipenv

then, use this environment in a fresh folder to install the packages you need, for instance:

micromamba run -n housing pipenv install beautifulsoup4==4.12.2 polars==1.1.0 plotnine==0.12.4

(Replace the versions of Python and packages by the latest, or those you need.)

This will ensure that your project uses the correct software stack, and that collaborators or future you will be able to regenerate this environment by calling pipenv sync. This is also the command that we will use later, in the chapter on CI/CD.

If you need to add packages to an environment, run: micromamba run -n housing pipenv install great_tables (or simply if pipenv install great_tables if you’re already in the activated housing environment).

  1. https://mamba.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/micromamba-installation.html#automatic-install↩︎