
I don’t like Python. Or rather, don’t like using it to analyze data. I believe that certain design choices were made that make Python a subpar language for analyzing data. That being said, Python is currently the most popular general purpose programming language, and also the most popular language to analyze data, especially in machine learning and AI. As such, it is a good idea to at least know your way around it even if, like me, you prefer using the R programming language.

I state that I don’t like Python because I want to make something very clear, right from the start. I am not an expert in Python. I know enough to get things done, but it is not a language that I know well. I consider myself an expert in R, but definitely not in Python. So why write a book on Python in that case? Well, in truth, this is not a book about Python.

This book is about building reproducible pipelines. And in order to build reproducible pipelines, you need to apply certain general ideas. This book will discuss these ideas, and illustrate them using the Python programming language. I wrote such a book already: you can read it here1. The book was well received: lots of people contacted me to thank me for having written it, I was invited to give talks several times on the book already, give some workshops and some people are already asking me for a second edition. I thought it would be an interesting challenge to write a Python edition. It would be a good excuse to dive back into Python after having barely touched it since my Phd days, more than 10 years ago, where I used it alongside R for a project. It is also a good opportunity to see what is currently available in the Python programming language, and if it would be possible to reproduce the way I work with R.

There are currently some interesting packages available for Python that are quite close to some available for R. But R and Python have some very fundamental differences in their design that make using Python feel awkward if you’re used to R, especially if take full advantage of R’s functional programming features. But it’s not just these design choices that differentiate both languages, there are also differences in culture, in how people use them. For example, notebooks are very popular in the Python world, but it’s quite rare to see someone share R code through a notebook. In general, R users tend to write code as plain-text scripts or in Markdown using Rmarkdown or Quarto. Throughout this book, I will be writing Python with a heavy R accent, mainly for two reasons: first, because I’m fluent in R, but not in Python, as I’ve stated above. Second, because I also think that some of R’s idioms actually make it more readable than equivalent Python code, and thus we can make Python more readable if we make it look more like R.

If the previous sentence didn’t scare you into continuing and you are actually curious to see what I mean, then read on, you’re in the perfect state of mind to approach this book!

Let me finish this section by talking a little bit about the history of these books (the original R edition and this one). It all started when a former colleague of mine contacted me in the summer of 2022 to ask me if I was interested in teaching a course for the Data Science Master degree at the University of Luxembourg. Long story short, I’ve decide to teach students how to set up data science projects in a way that they’re reproducible. I wrote my course notes into a freely available bookdown2 that I used for teaching. When I started compiling my notes, I discovered the concept of Reproducible Analytical Pipelines as developed by the Office for National Statistics3 (henceforth ONS). I found the name “Reproducible Analytical Pipeline” (henceforth RAP) really perfect for what I was aiming at. The ONS team responsible for evangelising RAPs also published a free ebook4 in 2019 already. Another big source of inspiration is Software Carpentry5 to which I was exposed during my PhD years, around 2014-ish if memory serves. While working on a project with some German colleagues from the University of Bonn, the principal investigator made us work using these concepts to manage the project. I was really impressed by it, and these ideas and techniques stayed with me since then. This was also the project where I’ve used Python.

The bottom line is: the ideas I’m presenting here are nothing new. It’s just that I took some time to compile them and make them accessible and interesting (at least I hope so) to users of the Python programming language, even if I’m not one.

If you have feedback, drop me an email at bruno [at] brodrigues [dot] co.





